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South Asia SAN4d

This paper acquaints students with the richness and diversity of the anthropological study of South Asia, focusing on the Indian sub-continent and the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It explores both the historically well-developed anthropology of the region and much contemporary research. Its concerns include an understanding of the history of the region, theories of caste; pilgrimage, devotional experience in Hinduism; popular and politicised religion and religious nationalism; Sufism and Islam, syncretism and religious reform; also gender, sexuality and kinship; the significance and legacy of key social and political thinkers such as Gandhi, Nehru and Ambedkar; social movements among 'tribal' and 'subaltern' groups; democracy, governance, communal and religious conflict; class, consumption and the individual and the South Asian diaspora. The paper is taught through seminars and some lectures and film screenings, in a single integrated series of seminars running through all three terms.

Further information including a list of seminar topics and lecture course titles and background reading can be found in the Paper Guide in the Paper Resources section to the right of this page.

Paper Resources

SAN4d Paper Guide 2024-25

SAN4d Paper Guide 2023-24

For lecture reading lists, additional teaching materials, past exam questions and exam reports for all ethnographic areas please see the SAN4 Moodle Course.

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If you are a member of the University of Cambridge and you wish to view the reading lists, past exam questions and exam reports then you can access the SAN4 Moodle Course as a guest. For more information on how to access Moodle Courses as a guest please see Moodle Help.