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Department of Social Anthropology


The Cambridge University Social Anthropology Society (CUSAS) is happy to announce a diverse and interesting programme for the coming academic year.  This is likely to include online/in-person, Coffee Mornings and Brown Bag Lunches, an excellent opportunity to have engaging conversations with Cambridge social anthropologists in an informal setting, as well as film screenings. If the situation allows, Michaelmas term will end with the traditional holiday party. In Easter term, we will hold the annual Strathern Lecture with a renowned speaker and end the year with our garden party.

This year's committee are:



Co-President (Undergraduate)

Ed Lyons (ejl68)

Co-President (Postgraduate)


(Junior) Treasurer

Emilia Johnson (egj27)

Liaison Officer

Sam Sleeman (ss2763)

Communications & Media Officer   

Patrick Thomson (pt446) 

Communications & Media Officer  

Millie May (mm2585)

Magazine Co-Editor

Adaiah Hudgins-Lopez (ah2173)

Magazine Co-Editor

Edurne Sosa El Fakih (emls3)

Events Coordinator

Marta Averof (ma984)

Events Coordinator

Benjy Klein (btk22)


The CUSAS committee invites students and staff from across the department and further afield to take part in our events. We also always appreciate suggestions and ideas from students for future events. We encourage participation from every member of the department as CUSAS is a space for everybody interested in social anthropology regardless of their degree or age. Keep an eye out for our term cards and event announcements (on this website, in department newsletters, on the notice board or on Facebook, or on our Twitter).

The new CUSAS magazine is available to browse here.

Questions may be directed to the committee: by emailing:

Dr Mike Degani ( acts as Senior Treasurer of CUSAS.