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Department of Social Anthropology


Course diary

The diary contains term dates, course submission deadlines and deadlines for funding amongst other useful information. For a teaching timetable, please see the Timetables.

MRes in Social Anthropology 2023-24

Wed 4th Oct      12:00-12:15 – Pre-field cohort photograph – join PhD1 students – outside front of building or Edmund Leach Room    

Wed 4th Oct      13:30-14:30 – Pre-field induction session – join with PhD1 students – Mond Building Seminar Room
Wed 4th Oct      15:30-16:30 - library induction with Meg Westbury – South Lecture Room, Haddon Library – all PG students

Thur 5th Oct      MT teaching begins – see timetable

Fri 6th Oct         from 09:30am - Introductory welcome meetings with Prof Stasch and Dr Buitron – Meyer Fortes Room      

Fri 6th Oct         18:00  - Welcome Party MAA

Tue 10th Oct      Postgraduate Safety Course online

Thu 12th Oct      Nominations for student reps close

Fri 27th Oct       10am – Progression to PhD session – Prof Rupert Stasch – Edmund Leach Room

Thu 9th Nov       Approx date – Research Training Paper titles released

Tue 14th Nov     11am-12 noon - Ethics session – Dr Perveez Mody – Room 4, Sidgwick Lecture Block

Fri 17th Nov       Dissertation Expenses Grant - deadline 1
Fri 17th Nov       Risk Assessment form for in person Christmas vacation fieldwork deadline (Risk Assessment MUST be signed off by your Principal Supervisor before submission to Moodle)

Tue 5th Dec       Postgraduate Funding Competition deadline (for submitting PhD application)

Thursday 18 January Lent Term teaching begins
Friday 19 January  12:00noon - Research Training Paper 1 (RTP1) submission deadline
Mon 12th Feb

Dissertation Expenses Grant – deadline 2

Mon 12th Feb

Risk Assessment form (and additional section for High Risk areas) for in person Easter vacation fieldwork deadline  (Risk Assessment MUST be signed off by your Principal Supervisor before submission to Moodle)

Thursday 25 April Easter Term teaching begins
Friday 26 April 12:00noon - Research Training Paper 2 (RTP2) and Research Training Paper 3 – case study (RTP3) submission deadline
Friday 10th May Proposed Dissertation Title submission deadline
Fri 17th May

Dissertation synopsis submission deadline

Fri 14th June

ET ends – students update contact details on Camsis

Fri 28th June Change of dissertation title deadline
Fri 30th Aug

12:00noon -  MRes dissertation submission deadline

Mon 9th Sep Fieldwork proposal and updated Risk Assessment submission deadline (if continuing to the PhD)  (Risk Assessment MUST be signed off by your Principal Supervisor before submission to Moodle)
Fri 20th Sep

Approx date - Viva voce examinations only if required

Thu 26th Sep Approx date – Fieldwork clearance interviews (if continuing to the PhD)
Early October Leave to Work Away (LWTA) application on Camsis - before leaving for fieldwork 
Mon 7 October Application deadline for Wyse Fieldwork Funding (if continuing to the PhD)


Academic calendar

  • The Cambridge academic year commences on 1st October and finishes on 30th September each year and is made up of three terms: Michaelmas, Lent, and Easter.
  • “Full term” means the eight-week central portion of each of the three terms (Michaelmas, Lent and Easter), during which teaching takes place.
  • Graduate students operate on the basis of the academic year which extends beyond the end of the Easter Term are expected to be in residence at all times, even outside of Full Term, unless they have been granted leave to work away.

For specific term dates please see University Term Dates.