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Department of Social Anthropology
About overview
News overview
The Haddon Library
The Haddon Library
CUSAS overview
Support Us
Funding overview
Undergraduate Funding
Postgraduate Funding
Postgraduate Funding overview
Postgraduate Funding for Applicants
ESRC Funded Students
Funding Postgraduate Fieldwork
Funding PhD Writing Up
MPhil/MRes Dissertation Expenses Grant
Research Funding
Research Funding overview
The Evans Fund
The Richards Fund
The Henry Ling Roth Fund
The Ridgeway Venn Travel Fund
Publication and Conference Funding
Publication and Conference Funding overview
The Fortes Fund
William Wyse Funding
William Wyse Funding overview
William Wyse Bursary
William Wyse Fieldwork Grants
Information for Staff
Information for Staff overview
Room Booking Form
Information for Directors of Studies
Student Wellbeing
Contact Us
Privacy Statement
Prospective Students
Prospective Students overview
Prospective Postgraduates
Prospective Postgraduates overview
Postgraduate Courses
Postgraduate Courses overview
MPhil in Social Anthropology
MPhil in Social Anthropological Research
MPhil in Social Anthropological Research overview
MPhil in Social Anthropological Research - Course Structure
MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society
PhD in Social Anthropology
PhD in Social Anthropology overview
PhD Student Testimonial
Contact Us
How to Apply
Open Day
Supervision and Facilities
Prospective Undergraduates
Prospective Undergraduates overview
What is Social Anthropology?
Current Students
Current Students overview
Undergraduate: Part I
Undergraduate: Part II
Undergraduate: Optional Papers
Undergraduate: Optional Papers overview
SAN7: Ethnographic Methods and Writing
SAN8: Environment, development and indigeneity
SAN10: The Anthropology of Post Socialist Societies
SAN14: The Anthropology of History, Memory and Time
Information for Postgraduates
MPhil in Social Anthropological Research
MPhil in Social Anthropological Research overview
MPhilSAR Course Diary
Teaching and Supervisions
Specialist modules
Planning your dissertation
Dissertation Style Guidelines
Collection of Ethnographic Material
Submitting your dissertation
MPhil in Social Anthropology
MPhil in Social Anthropology overview
MPhilSA Course Diary
Teaching and Supervisions
Paper 1: Scope of Social Anthropology: Production & Reproduction
Paper 2: Scope of Social Anthropology: Systems of Power & Knowledge
Paper 3: Option Papers
Paper 4: Theory, Methods and Enquiry in Social Anthropology
Collection of Ethnographic Material
Planning Your Dissertation
Dissertation Style Guidelines
Dissertation Submission
MRes overview
MRes Course Diary
Style Guidelines
PhD overview
Supervision Arrangements
Pre-fieldwork Training
Pre-field Course Diary
Research Training Papers
Fieldwork Proposal
Fieldwork Clearance Interviews
Interim Appraisal
Writing-up Diary
Guidelines for PhD submission
Transferable Skills for Postgraduate Students
Postdoctoral Affiliation
People overview
University and College Teaching Officers
Departmental Researchers and Museum Anthropologists
Emeritus and Affiliated Anthropologists
Research Students
PhDs Awarded
Professional Service Staff
Directors of Studies
Media overview
Visual Anthropology Lab
Video and Film Resources
Listen and View
Postgraduate Photography Celebrations
Postgraduate Photography Celebrations overview
2024 Entries
2024 Entries overview
1st prize: Juliette Gautron
2nd prize: Gol Tengis
3rd prize: Sally Montgomery
Daniel Kraus
Francesca Paniterri
Miriama Aoake
Sawen Ali
2023 Entries
2023 Entries overview
Christie van Tinteren
Devi Chakrabarti
Edurne Sosa El Fakih
Fang Liu
Hairuo Jin
Jenny Tang
João Kelmer
Lucia Tremonti
Maria Lartigue-Marin
Radina Kostadinova
Sakari Mesimaki
Sally Montgomery
Sarthak Malhotra
Shradha Lama
Theo Hughes-Morgan
Theo Stapleton
Xintian Ma
Zoljargal Enkh-Amgalan
2022 Entries
2022 Entries overview
Anel Lopez de Romana
Devi Chakrabarti
Tim Burger
Erin Williamson
Sean French
Tracy Liu
Tuya Shagdar
2021 Entries
2021 Entries overview
Angel Naydenov
Carolyn Dreyer
Julia C. Roberts
Maria Sakirko
Samuel Victor
Thea Hatfield
Thressia Octaviani
2019 Entries
2019 Entries overview
Tom Powell Davies
Sophia Hornbacher-Schönleber
Jacob Askjer
Lucy Gilder
Dominik Hoehn
Claire Moll
Ariane Ordoobadi
Beja Protner
Emmanuelle Roth
Zoia Tarasova
Xinyu Wen
Fred Wojnarowski and Jennie Williams
2018 Entries
2018 Entries overview
Thandeka Cochrane
Julian Sommerschuh
Jordan Thomas
Amy Binning
Patricia Garcia
David Ginsborg
Peter Lockwood
Michael Long
Edward Moon-Little
2017 Entries
2017 Entries overview
Alexander Taylor
Ruiyi Zhu
Corinna Howland
Priscilla Garcia
Helen Jambunathan
Katie Macvarish
Nurul Huda Mohd Razif
Yi Qiao
Christina Woolner
2016 Entries
2016 Entries overview
Anthony Howarth
Ed Pulford
Nancy Chu
Cara Kerven
Nurul Huda Mohd Razif
Thomas Powell Davies
Michael Vine
Hugh Williamson
Anna Wood
2015 Entries
2015 Entries overview
Patrick O'Hare
John Fahy
Jonas Tinius
Michael Long
Hugh Williamson
Clara Devlieger
Tijana Radeska
Michelle H J Tsai
2014 Entries
2014 Entries overview
Lys Alcayna-Stevens
Falk Parra Witte
Beth Turk
Ed Pulford
Fiona Wright
Melissa Santana de Oliveira
Yu Qiu
Romelia Calin
2013 Entries
2013 Entries overview
Jonathan Taee
John Fahy
Marlene Schafers
Lys Alcayna-Stevens
Lam Minh Chau
Dominic Martin
Baasanjav Terbish
Rachel Wyatt
Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Events overview
MIASU Events
Public Lectures
Anthropology Beyond the Academy
Anthropology Beyond the Academy overview
Anthropology and Diplomacy
Senior Seminars
CUSAS Events
Decolonise Anthropology
Past Events
Work with us
Work with us overview
Research Application Procedure
Post-doctoral Funding Opportunities
Ethics Approval
Ethics Approval overview
Research Ethics Review Form
Visiting Researchers
Research overview
Research Clusters
Other Research Projects
Other Research Projects overview
An anthropological study of the early detection of cancer
Shared Risk
The World Oral Literature Project
A Tibetan Woman-Lama and her Reincarnations
The Digital Himalaya Project
The Cambridge Infrastructure Resilience Group (CIRG)
REPRESENT: Community Engagement Roadmap to Improve Participant Representation in Cancer Research Early Detection
Professor Bayly and Vietnamese Cultural Knowledge
Named-Entity Recognition in Tibetan and Mongolian Newspapers
Elusive Risks: Engaging with hard-to-reach and non-interested publics in the community
Dr Diemberger and Research on Tibetan Buddhist Book Culture
Dr Barbira-Freedman and Medical Knowledge in Amazonian Peru
Dr Barbira-Freedman and Learning the Art of Amazonian Gentle Parenting
Chinggis Khan historical research project
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Political Life, Crisis, and Possibilities
Political Life, Crisis, and Possibilities overview
Living with Remnants
Barclays Bank and African Agency: a Historical Ethnography
Communication Faultlines on the Frontlines
Entangled Lines: Railways, Resource Booms, and Transnational Politics in Mongolia
Oral History of Twentieth Century Mongolia
Transforming Political Subjectivities in Somaliland
Translingual History and Politics of 'Minzu' (Nationality) and ‘Zuqun’ (Ethnicity) in China’
Where Rising Powers Meet: China and Russia at their North Asian Border
Yastan’ (Ethnicity) and National Unity in Mongolia
The Ethics of Behavioural Economics
Environment, Infrastructure, and Care
Environment, Infrastructure, and Care overview
Refiguring Conservation in/for ‘the Anthropocene’: the Global Lives of the Orangutan (GLO)
Resource frontiers: managing water on a trans-border Asian river
Shared Risk - ACED
Becoming Shamans to be Healed
Blowing in the Wind: Renewable energy and Ethnic Minorities in Chinese Inner Mongolia
Climate Histories Research Group: Communicating Cultural Knowledge of Environmental Change
Communicating cultural knowledge of environmental change in collaboration with schools, local communities and NGOs
CRIC - Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identitites after Conflict 2008-2012
Environmental Knowledge in Alaska and Mexico
Gambling across the Pacific: the Fluttering Tide
Gathering and communicating climate knowledge, with particular reference to generating impact at local and national levels
Himalayan connections: melting glaciers, sacred landscapes and mobile technologies in a Changing Climate
HimalConnect: Network and Knowledge-Sharing Workshops in Nepal and Bhutan
Mongolia's Natural Resource Strategy
Mongolian Cosmopolitical Heritage: Tracing Divergent Healing Practices Across the Mongolian-Chinese Border
Pathways Project
Plugstreet Project
Solar powered praying wheels
The Roots of Success
Tradition and Modernity in Tibet and the Himalayas
Materiality, Knowledge, and Media
Materiality, Knowledge, and Media overview
The Work of Art in Contemporary Japan: Inner and outer worlds of creativity
Activating Anthropology’s Archive
Imaging Minority Culture: Photography, Digital Sharing, and Cultural Survival in Northeast China
Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Documentation at MIASU
Relations between Korowai of Indonesian Papua and International Tourists or TV Crews
TiBET— Tibetan Book Evolution and Technology
Transforming Technologies and Buddhist Book Culture: the Introduction of Printing and Digital Text Reproduction in Buddhist Societies
Morality, Subjectivity, and Emotion
Morality, Subjectivity, and Emotion overview
Threshold Media: disclosure, disavowal, and the performance of belief in Pakistan
Situating Free Speech: European Parrhesia in Comparative perspective
Study of the International Venture Capital (VC) Industry
The Ethics of Care: Intellectual Disability in the UK
The Social Life of Achievement and Competitiveness in Vietnam and Indonesia
Vietnamese Intellectuals and their Families
“After Us, Who Will Care for Them?”: Intellectual Disability in South India
Poverty and Obligation
Religion and its Others in South Asia and the World: Communities, Debates, Freedoms
Liberal Translations
Ascriptions of Dependency in the Pacific
Ethical Life in Humanistic Buddhism
Gender and Leadership in Lebanon
God’s Deposits: Charismatic Christian financial eco-system in Ghana
Human Rights and the Chichewa Radio
Images and the moral citizen in late-socialist Vietnam.
Practices and Ethics of Care in Eating Disorder Treatment in Italy
Economy, Work, and Social Reproduction
Economy, Work, and Social Reproduction overview
Criminal Capital
Scrap Value
Citizenship, Trade Unionism and Subjectivity in Buenos Aires
Current job vacancies
Department of Social Anthropology
Work with us
Research Application Procedure
Post-doctoral Funding Opportunities
Ethics Approval
Visiting Researchers
Prospective Students
Current Students
No jobs are available at the moment