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Department of Social Anthropology


2024 - 2025

Elspeth Davies
Thesis Title: ‘A World Where People No Longer Fear Cancer’: An Anthropology of Barrett’s Oesophagus in the UK

Theo Hughes-Morgan
Thesis Title: A Social Life of Water Water, Ownership and Society in a Himalayan Village

Erin Williamson
Thesis Title: Hope in the untenable:Seeking asylum in Samos, Greece

Hoa Francisco Ngo
Thesis Title: Vocations to the Secular: An Ethnography of the Men’s Branch of Opus Dei Britain

Xinying (Tracy) Liu
Thesis Title: Transforming the Self Through Benefiting Others: Fo Guang Shan Humanistic Buddhism in the People’s Republic of China

Mathilde Gouin-Bonenfant
Thesis Title: Knowing and Caring for the Mangrove Ecosystem: The epistemic life of a sustainable development NGO in the Saloum Delta (Senegal)

Jasmin Tabaković
Thesis Title: Searching for Healing Amidst the Genocidal Logic: Fragmentary Exiled Bosnian (Im)Possibilities

2023 - 2024

Hannah Lucey
Thesis Title: Faltering Care: Homeless Mothers’ Experiences of Caregiving in Dublin

Sean French
Thesis Title: Music and Noise: Loyalism, Marching, and the Meaning of the Political in Northern Ireland

Xin Yuan (Joy) Wang
Thesis Title: Timing Fate: Build To Order Romances in Singapore

Anna Wood
Thesis Title: La Sociale: Welfare and Emergence in Twenty-first century Senegal

Katarzyna Bużańska
Thesis Title: The Social Life of Teen Attention: Navigating Citizenship, Schooling and the World Wide Web in Cochabamba, Bolivia and Warsaw, Poland

Mohammed Uzair Belgami
Thesis Title: The Ulama are Inheritors of the Prophets

Alex Archer
Thesis Title: The Stocksman's Shadow: An Ethnography of Ethics and Symbolism in the Yorkshire Dales

Tim Burger
Thesis Title: Cultivating Lost Land: Livelihood and Depopulation on São Jorge Island, Azores

Ruiyi Zhu
Thesis Title: Mastering the Margins: A Chinese Mine in Mongolia

Sera Yeong Seo Park
Thesis Title: ‘We Will Remember; We Will Not Stay Put’: Ethics and Politics after the Sewol Ferry Disaster in South Korea

Kevin Yildirim
Thesis Title: Unjust Profit: Moral Economies of Recycling and Migration in Urban Turkey

Javier Ruiz
Thesis Title: The Making of Art: Sculptors, Artisans, and Artists in the Apuan Alps

Summer Qassim
Thesis Title: Being Good Women: The Rise and Appeal of Femininity Among Globalist Women

Sam Farrell
Thesis Title: Freedom and the Heart of Democracy in Central Malawi: Popular Interactions with the 2019 Tripartite Elections in a Rural Constituency

Tuya Shagdar
Thesis Title: Hegemony and Culturedness: Elites After Socialism in Mongolia

2022 - 2023

Edwin Jiang
Thesis Title: Norms and Reasons Inside (and Outside) a Chinese School

Natasha (Sally) Raudon
Thesis Title: Huddled Masses: Death and Citizenship in New York City

Elizabeth Walsh
Thesis Title:  'Like Ice Floes': Iñupiaq Sovereignty and Settler Migration on Alaska's North Slope

Samuel Victor
Thesis Title: The Ethics of Knowing: Epistemic virtue at an ex-literalist church in Nashville

Lucia Rojas Rodriguez
Thesis Title: The Great Shout of the Wolves’ Mouth: Indigeneity, social change and historical narrative in the Ecuadorian Andes

Edward Moon-Little
Thesis Title: In The Shade Of The Kangla: Kingship And Revivalism In Northeast India

Angel Nayden
Thesis Title: Time, Self, and the Other in a Rural Chinese Township

Lee-Shan Tse
Thesis Title: The Dualities of Home: Hong Kong Citizens in a Mobile World

Shumaila Ahmed
Thesis Title: An Ethics of Coherence: Self, Knowledge, and Religious Authority among Women Islamic Scholars in Leicester, UK

Emmanuelle Roth
Thesis Title: The ‘truth about Ebola’: Insecure epistemologies in post-outbreak Forest Guinea

2021 - 2022

Julia Modern
Thesis Title: ‘You are all my people’  Building disabled community in Uganda’s microentrepreneur economy 

Victoria Hall
Thesis Title: “No, not Hindu – just local!”: Sharing Selves, Expressions, and Religious Meanings in the Garhwali Himalaya

Thomas Powell Davies
Thesis Title: The three hearths: Custom, church and state as colliding orders of time and space in Asmat, Indonesian Papua

Alice Pearson
Thesis title:  The Discipline of Economics:  Performativity and Personhood in Undergraduate Economics Education

Daniel Cardoza
Thesis Title: Becoming Accountable: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Responsibilities of Evangelism

Carolyn Dreyer
Thesis Title: Meekly Kneeling Before Wisdom:  Labouring for revelation in an Anglo-Catholic chaplaincy

Heidi Mogstad
Thesis Title: Humanitarian shame and cosmopolitan nationalism:  Norwegian volunteers at home and abroad

Giulia Sciolli
Thesis Title: Tinkering with Food and Family: Striving for Good Care in an Eating Disorder Treatment Centre in Italy 

Liangliang Zhang
Thesis Title: ‘Action through non-action’: Self-transformation and social transformation at the PRC grassroots

Dominik Hoehn
Thesis Title: Architecture is co: an ethnography of architectural presentations and representations in Copenhagen

Sophia Hornbacher-Schoenleber
Thesis Title: Preaching Marxism? The politics and ethics of leftist Muslim activists in Java

Laura Tradii
Thesis Title: Terra Incognita: Living with the war dead in postsocialist rural Brandenburg (Germany)

2020 - 2021

David Ginsborg
Thesis Title: We don’t know what we’re saying: Irony, community, and resistance politics among the ultras of CS Lebowski football club in Florence, Italy

Mikkel Kenni Bruun
Thesis Title: Scientific persuasions: ethnographic reflections on evidence-based psychological therapy​

Thandeka Cochrane
Thesis Title: Epistemic entanglements in an age of universals: literacy, libraries and children's stories in rural Malawi

Corinna Howland
Thesis Title: Immoral Economy: Negative Ethics and Economic Life in the Southern Peruvian Andes

Nicholas Lackenby
Thesis Title: For many are called, and few are chosen: eternity and peoplehood amongst Orthodox Christians in Serbia

Camille Lardy
Thesis Title: Caring for Our Common Home: Écologie Intégrale as Political Theology among French Catholics
Michael Long
Thesis Title: Discovering epic, constructing culture: culture-politics on China's Western Frontier​
Zuzanna Marciniak-Nuqui
Thesis Title: Caring for Carers: Catholic Care for Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore​
Zoia Tarasova
Thesis Title: Human anxieties, bovine solutions: Political Subtexts of Native Cattle Conservation in Northeastern Siberia
Frederick Wojnarowski 
Thesis Title: Unsettling Times: land, political economy and protest in the Bedouin villages of Central Jordan
Yi Qiao
Thesis Title: The Chinese Renaissance: ethics, history and Confucian thought in a Chinese city
Peter Lockwood
Thesis Title: The Greedy Eaters: A moral politics of continuity and consumption in urbanising central Kenya

2019 - 2020

Natalie Morningstar
Thesis Title: Critique and Neoliberalism's Critics: Art, Activism, and Uncertainty in Post-Recession Dublin

Victoria Muinde
Thesis Title: An Economy of (Dis)Affections: Woman Headed Households and Matrillineal Relations in Kenya South Coast

Priscilla Pereira Vieira Da Costa Garcia​
Thesis Title: Building the kingdom: Pentecostal Christianity and the social life of the ethical-political in a Brazilian megachurch

Sofia Pfingshorn ​
Thesis Title: 'I need to work to be legal, I need to be legal to work.' Migrant encounters, Haitian women, and the Chilean state
Julian Sommerschuh​
Thesis Title: Whatever Happened to Respect? Values and Change in a Southwest Ethiopian (Aari) Community
Alexander Taylor
Thesis Title: Future-proofing the Digital World: Data Centre Security and the Threats of Electromagnetic Pulse and Space Weather

2018 - 2019

Hugh F. Williamson
Thesis Title:' Transylvanian Baroque: Liberalism and the Material World in Rural Romania'

Amy Binning
Thesis Title: Printing as Practice: Innovation and Imagination in the Making of Tibetan Buddhist Sacred Texts in California

Joe Ellis
Thesis Title: An Exemplary Cosmology: (De)Contextualisations, Moral Horizons and the Structure of Freedom in Mongolia

Anthony Howarth
Thesis Title: A Travellers’ sense of Place in the City

Shuai Li
Thesis Title: Fragments of the Prosperous Age: Living with Heritage and Treasure in Contemporary China

Rosie Jones-McVey
Thesis Title: Reasonable Creatures: British Equestrianism and Epistemological Responsibility in Late Modernity

Patrick O'Hare
Thesis Title: Recovering requeche and classifying clasificadores: An Ethnography of Hygienic Enclosure and Montevideo’s Waste Commons

Christina Woolner
Thesis Title: The Labour of Love Songs: Voice, Intimacy and belonging in Somaliland.

2017 - 2018

Matteo Benussi
Thesis Title: Aspiring Muslims in Russia: Form-of-Life and Political Economy of Virtue in Povolzhye's Halal Movement

Johannes Lenhard
Thesis Title: Comme Chez Soi – Home-making among homeless people in Paris

Nurul Mohd Razif
Thesis Title: 'Halal' Intimacy: Love, Marriage and Polygamy in contemporary Malaysia

Falk Parra Witte
Thesis Title: Living the Law of Origin: The Cosmological, Ontological, and Epistemological Framework of Kogi Ecology

Ed Pulford
Thesis Title: On Northeast Asian frontiers of history and friendship

Farhan Samanani
Thesis Title: Gathering Kilburn: The everyday production of community in a diverse London neighbourhood

Elizabeth Turk
Thesis Title: Healing in "disorganized" Mongolia: orthopraxy, re-enchantment and the "aliveness" of nature

Michael Vine
Thesis Title: Shifting Sands: Climate crisis and the ecologies of everyday life in Southern California

James Wintrup
Thesis Title: Sanctified Lives: Christian Medical Humanitarianism in Southern Zambia

Jonathan Woolley
Thesis Title: Rede of Reeds: Land and Labour in Rural Norfolk

2016 - 2017

Lys Alcayna Stevens
Thesis Title: Habituating Field Scientists: Primatological Research in the Forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Tristam Barrett
Thesis Title: Political Economy and Social Transformation in Baku, Azerbaijan

Clara Devlieger
Thesis Title: “People who need rights”? Disability and the Pursuit of Value in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Johanna Goncalves Martin
Thesis Title: The path of health and the elusiveness of fertility Partial translations between Yanomami people and doctors in the Venezuelan Amazon fertility Partial translations between Yanomami people and doctors in the Venezuelan Amazon

Anna Grigoryeva
Thesis Title: Mobilising Moscow: knowledge politics in the 2012 anti-Putin protests

Dominic Martin 
Thesis title: Zealots of Piety: Old orthodox religious revival in a post-Soviet 'closed' city (1991-2014)

Matthew McGuire
Thesis Title: Outside Jeong? Young Men, Sexuality and Conflicting Selfhood in Seoul 

Patrick McKearney
Thesis Title: Enabling Ethics: L’Arche, learning disability, and the possibilities of moral agency

Joseph Philp
Thesis Title: Interested Relations: Kinship, Money and Language in Southern Togo

Yu Qiu
Thesis Title: A study of Nigerian-Chinese intimate/business partnerships in South China

Leonie Schiffauer
Thesis Title: Economies of Illusion: Multilevel marketing and pyramid schemes in postsocialist Siberia

Felix Stein 
Thesis Title: Work, sleep, repeat - the abstract labour of German management consultants

Hui-Ju Tsai
Thesis Title: "Chinese" capitalism: Taiwanese corporations, cross-Strait capital, and identity politics

Max Watson
Thesis Title: Consuming Play: Fixed-codes and Social-codes amongst the Players of MOBA Games

Thomas White
Thesis Title: Transforming China's Desert: Camels, Pastoralists and the State in the Reconfiguration of Western Inner Mongolia

Rachel Wyatt
Thesis Title: The flexible Penan: nomadism and sedentarism within Sarawak 

2015 - 2016

Ryan Davey
Thesis Title: Debts in suspense: Domination and optimism among the white working class in England

Jiarui Li
Thesis Title: Jiarui Li: The Inbetweeners: Uyghur MinKaoHan and their private lives in Xinjiang

Ross Porter
Thesis Title: ‘Being change’ in Change Square: An ethnography of revolutionary life in Yemen

Lam Minh Chau
Thesis Title: Predict the unpredictable: Rural experiences of late-socialist marketization in Northern Vietnam

Jonas Tinius
Thesis title: State of the Arts: German theatre and political self-cultivation

Yassmin Ahmed
Thesis title: Encountering the Egyptian State in revolutionary times: A rural perspective

Steven Schiffer
Thesis title: In community: Environmentalism as a religious revival in a Canadian ecovillage

Eva-Marlene Schäfers
Thesis title: Desiring voice: Female subjectivities and affective publics in Turkish Kurdistan

John Fahy
Thesis title: Becoming Vaishnava in an ideal Vedic city

Benjamin Belek
Thesis title: Becoming autistic: Subjectivity, community and the search for the meaning of autism

2014 – 2015                   

Fiona Wright
Thesis title: Conflicted subjects: an ethnography of Jewish Israeli left-wing activism in Israel/Palestine.

Nicholas Evans
Thesis title: The exemplary system: hierarchy, ethics and responsibility for India's Ahmadi Muslims.

Jan-Jonathan Bock 
Thesis title: L'Aquila - the social consequences of disaster and the recovery of everyday life in an Italian urban environment.

Thomas Neumark
Thesis title: Caring for relations - an ethnography of unconditional cash transfers in a Nairobi slum.

Sazana Jayadeva
Thesis title: Overcoming the English handicap: seeking English in Bangalore, India.

Sertac Sehlikoglu Karakas
Thesis title: Becoming an Istanbulite woman: intersections of subjectivity, movement, and desire in the Middle East.

Nikolay Mintchev
Thesis title: Subjectivity, ethnicity, and social transformation: a study of Turks and Bulgarians in Socialist and Postsocialist Bulgaria.

Fred Ikanda
Thesis title: Kinship, hospitality and humanitarianism: 'locals' and 'refugees' in Northeastern Kenya.

Paolo Heywood
Thesis title: Making difference: ethics, activism, and anthropological theory.

2013 - 2014

Miriam Boyles
Thesis title: Moving with change and loss: an embodied network analysis of later life in London.

Laura Chinnery
Thesis title: Threatened lives and fragile relations: the struggle for a valuable existence in two Salvadoran prisons.

Cheuk Yuet Ho
Thesis title: The predicament of housing ownership: an ethnography of property rights in neo-socialist China.

Mantas Kvedarivicius
Thesis title: Knots of absence: death, dreams, and disappearances at the limits of law in the counter-terrorism zone of Chechnya.

Grzegorz Muraski
Thesis title: The palace complex: The social life of a Stalinist skyscraper in contemporary Warsaw.

Jonathan Taee
Thesis title: The patient multiple: An ethnography of health, practice and decision-making in Bhutan.

Lobsang Yongdan
Thesis title: Geographical conceptualizations in a nineteenth-century Tibetan text: the creation of and responses to the 'Dzam gling rgyas bshad’ (‘The detailed description of the world’). 

2012 - 2013

Ross Anthony
Thesis title: Repetition and its discontents: space, time and identity in the city of Urumqi

Paula Haas
Thesis title: Trusting everyone and no-one: Constructing the ideal barga society in Inner Mongolia

Sergio Jarillo de la Torre
Thesis title: Carving the spirits of the wood: An enquiry into Trobriand materialisations

Jessica Johnson
Thesis title: Chilungamo? In search of gender justice in Matrilineal Malawi

Jailing Luo
Thesis title: Milieux, state, and the urban construction of Beijing an ethnographic inquiry into Chinese modernism

Maria Luisa Nodari
Thesis title: Climbing for the nation.  Epics of mountaineering in Tibet

Chloe Nahum Claudel
Thesis title: Working together for Yankwa: vitalising cosmogony in Southern Amazonia (Enawene-nawe)

Sukanya Sarbadhikary
Thesis title: The place of devotion: Sitting and experiencing divinity in Bengal-Vaishnavism

Baasanjav Terbish
Thesis title: State ideology and its context in the Republic of Kalmykia, Russia 

2011 - 2012

Megha Amrith
Title of thesis: Life in Transit: The aspirations of Filipino medical workers in Singapore

Eirini Avramopoulou
Title of thesis: The affective language of activism: An ethnography of human rights, gender politics and activist coalitions in Istanbul, Turkey.

Bernard Charlier
Title of thesis: Faces of the wolf, faces of the individual: anthropological study of human, non human relationships in West Mongolia

Elzbieta Drazkiewicz-Grodzicka
Title of thesis: An emergent donor? The case of the Polish developmental involvement in Africa

Jacqueline Hobbs
Title of thesis: When the "Milkbird" comes: Amdo-Tibetan constructions of time in Qinghai and Gansu provinces, the People's Republic of China

Delwar Hussain
Title of thesis: Negotiating the margins: Quotidian lives on the Bangladesh/ India border

Vito Laterza
Title of thesis: Breathing life: labour relations, epistemology and the body among Swazi timber workers

Felix Ringel
Title of thesis: Knowledge in time: An ethnography of hope and the future in Germany's fastest shrinking city

Alice Rogalla Von Bieberstein
Title of thesis: Subjectivity in the shadow of catastrophes: A transnational study of citizenship and memorial politics. 

2010 - 2011

Olivier Allard
Title of thesis: Morality and Emotion in the Dynamics of an Amerindian Society, Warao, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela

Franck Bille
Title of thesis: Bodies of excess: imagining the Chinese in contemporary Mongolia

Mark Henare
Title of thesis: Nau te rourou, naku te rourou (your basket and my basket) : reflections of sameness and difference in Aotearoa-New Zealand and Hawaii

Lars Hojer
Title of thesis: Dangerous communications : enmity, suspense and integration in post socialist Northern Mongolia.

Richard Irvine
Title of thesis: The individual, other people and God: religious practice in an English Benedictine monastery.

Mireille Mazard
Title of thesis: Socialist simulcra : history, ideology and ethno-politics on China's Tibeto-Burman frontier

Irene Peano
Title of thesis: Ambiguous bonds: A contextual study of Nigerian sex labour in Italy

Annabel Pinker
Title of thesis: "The path is made by walking": Utopianism, cooperative development, and missionary practices in the Ecuadorian Andes

Krisna Uk
Title of thesis: Living amidst explosive remnants of war: comparative study of post-conflict Cambodian and Lao peasant communities.

Alice Wilson
Title of thesis: Making statehood and unmaking tribes in Western Sahara’s liberation movement

Umut Yildirim
Title of thesis: Militant experts : a study of the transformation of the revolutionary self in Diyarbakir, Turkey

Astrid Zimmermann
Title of thesis: Enacting the state in Mongolia: An ethnographic study of community, competition and ‘corruption’ in postsocialist provincial state institutions 

2009 - 2010

Alina Bakunina
Thesis title:Post-liberalisation Entrepreneurship in India: Attitudes and practices

Ayse Demircioglu
Thesis title: Socio-cultural Construction of Infertility in Turkey: The reasons for Increasing Use of New Reproductive Technologies

Sabine Deiringer
Thesis title: Organising Hawaii-US relations: An anthropological approach

Carine Durand
Thesis title: Anthropology in a Glass Case: Indigeneity collaboration and artistic practices in museums.

Charlotte Faircloth
Thesis title: Mothering as identity work: Long-term breastfeeding, attachment parenting and intensive motherhood

Tod Hartman
Thesis title: The economy, labour and the new Romanian migration to Spain

Bernhard Krieger
Thesis title: The production of free software: an ethnographic enquiry on a new social practice

Ashley Lebner
Thesis title: Christian persons, secular politics, impossible dialogues: the problem of friendship and the landless worker’s movement on the Southern Amazonian frontier

Nayanika Mathur
Thesis title: Paper Tiger? The Everyday Life of the State in the Indian Himalaya

Laura Mentore
Thesis title: Trust and Alterity: Amerindian Analysis of Social and Environmental Relations in Southern Guayana

Amy Pollard
Thesis title: Power in Doubt: Aid, Effectiveness and Harmonisation amongst Donors in Indonesia

Catherine Trundle
Thesis title: The Reflexive Gift: the charitable practices of English speaking migrants in Florence, Italy

Adrian Zenz
Thesis title: Tibetanness Under Threat? Sinicisation, Career and Market Reforms in Qinghai, P.R. China 

2008 - 2009

Srijana Das
Thesis title: A Market of Emotions: Bombay Cinema, Punjabi Culture and the Politics of Popular Entertainment.

Nicholas Long
Thesis title: Urban, Social and Personal Transformations in Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia.

Amy Rowe
Thesis title: Lebanese Lives in New England: American Narratives of Assimilation & Ethno-Racial Classification.

Ruth Toulson
Thesis title: Pockets in Shrouds: Death and Desire in Contemporary Singapore.