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Department of Social Anthropology


Scrap Value

Scrap Value (Sanchez)

In 2014, I began new ethnographic research in the Indian Industrial city of Jamshedpur, which expanded upon my earlier interests in class and labour by considering industrial working environments that have no history of employment security. The project focussed on precarious working life in scrap metal yards and provided a new opportunity to explore foundational conceptual debates about the nature of economic value and the labour process. I am currently writing a monograph based upon this research, which considers the generative relationship between transformative action and different forms of economic and political value.

Funded by the Max Planck Society

Dr Andrew  Sanchez
Associate Professor
Outreach Coordinator for Department of Social Anthropology
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer for Department of Social Anthropology
Fellow, Foundation Year Director of Studies, and Graduate Tutor, Wolfson College
Office hours: email by appointment