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Department of Social Anthropology


Recent publications from staff in the Department of Social Anthropology

Read more at: First in-depth analysis published of the Cultural Revolution in Inner Mongolia
A Chinese Rebel beyond the Great Wall: The Cultural Revolution and Ethnic Pogrom in Inner Mongolia

First in-depth analysis published of the Cultural Revolution in Inner Mongolia

Read more at: New Publication - Beyond Description

New Publication - Beyond Description

Read more at: New Publication - The Cambridge Handbook For The Anthropology of Ethics
Cambridge Handbook For the Anthropology of Ethics edited by Prof James Laidlaw

New Publication - The Cambridge Handbook For The Anthropology of Ethics

Read more at: Frank Broeze Memorial Maritime History Book Prize Award
Recording Kastom

Frank Broeze Memorial Maritime History Book Prize Award

Read more at: New Book - How We Struggle A Political Anthropology of Labour by Professor Sian Lazar
How we struggle

New Book - How We Struggle A Political Anthropology of Labour by Professor Sian Lazar

Read more at: The Carol R Ember Book Prize Winner – Dr. Juan M. del Nido
Taxis vs Ubers

The Carol R Ember Book Prize Winner – Dr. Juan M. del Nido

Read more at: Cambridge researcher involved in British Sign Language translation first for anthropological journal
DEAF singing Kelly F Robinson

Cambridge researcher involved in British Sign Language translation first for anthropological journal

Read more at: New Book - Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life by Professor Joel Robbins
Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life

New Book - Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life by Professor Joel Robbins

Read more at: New Book – Visions for Racial Equality by Professor Harri Englund

New Book – Visions for Racial Equality by Professor Harri Englund

Read more at: Cosmopolitical Ecologies Across Asia: Places and Practices of Power in Changing Environments edited by Riam Kuyakanon, Hildegard Diemberger and David Sneath
Book Cover for Cosmopolitical Ecologies

Cosmopolitical Ecologies Across Asia: Places and Practices of Power in Changing Environments edited by Riam Kuyakanon, Hildegard Diemberger and David Sneath

Read more at: Professor Yael Navaro - Reverberations Violence Across Time and Space
Reverberations publication

Professor Yael Navaro - Reverberations Violence Across Time and Space

Read more at: New publication edited by Dr Anita Herle & Jude Philp: Recording Kastom: Alfred Haddon’s Journals from his Expeditions to Torres Strait and New Guinea, 1888 and 1898

New publication edited by Dr Anita Herle & Jude Philp: Recording Kastom: Alfred Haddon’s Journals from his Expeditions to Torres Strait and New Guinea, 1888 and 1898

Read more at: New publication - Dr Perveez Mody: Spaces of Care
Spaces of Care

New publication - Dr Perveez Mody: Spaces of Care

Read more at: Dr Johannes Lenhard & Dr Farhan Samanani (Eds): Home: Ethnographic Encounters
Dr Johannes Lenhard & Dr Farhan Samanani (Eds): Home: Ethnographic Encounters

Dr Johannes Lenhard & Dr Farhan Samanani (Eds): Home: Ethnographic Encounters

Read more at: Dr Anthony J. Pickles: Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town
Dr Anthony J. Pickles: Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town

Dr Anthony J. Pickles: Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town

Read more at: Dr David Sneath: Mongolia Remade: Post-socialist national culture, political economy and cosmopolitics
Dr David Sneath: Mongolia Remade: Post-socialist national culture, political economy and cosmopolitics

Dr David Sneath: Mongolia Remade: Post-socialist national culture, political economy and cosmopolitics

Read more at: Dr Matei Candea: Comparison in Anthropology - The Impossible Method
Dr Matei Candea: Comparison in Anthropology - The Impossible Method

Dr Matei Candea: Comparison in Anthropology - The Impossible Method

Read more at: Dr Andrew Sanchez: Indeterminacy: Waste, Value, and the Imagination
Dr Andrew Sanchez: Indeterminacy: Waste, Value, and the Imagination

Dr Andrew Sanchez: Indeterminacy: Waste, Value, and the Imagination

Read more at: Prof James Laidlaw: Recovering the Human Subject
Prof James Laidlaw: Recovering the Human Subject

Prof James Laidlaw: Recovering the Human Subject

Read more at: Dr Matei Candea: Schools and Styles of Anthropological Theory
Dr Matei Candea: Schools and Styles of Anthropological Theory

Dr Matei Candea: Schools and Styles of Anthropological Theory