See the ESRC website for up to date information about how ESRC funding is organised.
Research Training Support Grants
The Department of Social Anthropology receives a Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) for each ESRC-funded student. This grant covers costs such as UK fieldwork expenses; conferences and summer schools; language training; payments to guides, interpreters and assistants; survey costs; field equipment; telephone and photocopying; gifts to local informants. You can only use this grant during the fieldwork and post-fieldwork phase of your course. Requests to draw on your RTSG should be addressed to the Social Anthropology office.
Interim Appraisal
It is a condition of those students holding Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) awards that they submit their work for appraisal. Appraisal normally takes place some nine months after return from the field but the date will be determined with the supervisor on an individual basis. For more information, see Interim Appraisal.