The MPhil/MRes Dissertation Expenses Grant provides grants to assist with research expenses for dissertations for students registered on the MPhil or MRes in Social Anthropology.
Grants are normally made for expenses over and above ordinary maintenance costs. Applicants should not expect all of their expenses to be covered by the grant, which may only be able to offer part of the amount requested.
Students must have discussed their dissertation plans and their proposed expenses grant claim with their principal supervisor prior to submitting their application.
Funding awarded is at the discretion of the Trust Fund Managers.
Dissertation work during the winter vacation – Application closing date: 22 November.
Dissertation work during the spring or summer vacation – Application closing date: 14 February.
If the dissertation expenses fund has sufficient remaining resources, the Department will open a third round of applications in Easter term, dates to be announced.
How to Apply
The application form can be found on your Moodle page. The form requires your supervisor 's endorsement and signature so please allow enough time to receive the signed form back and to upload it to your Moodle course by the deadline.
Application Process
Applications are then passed to the MPhil Committee for discussion with the Trust Fund Managers. Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome.
Please note, the MPhil/MRes Dissertation Expenses Grant has limited resources available and awards are usually in the region of £200 to £1,000