Submitting Your Dissertation
All coursework, including your dissertation must be submitted electronically in either Word or PDF format to the correct section of your Moodle Course by 12:00 (noon) BST on the day of the deadline.
The dissertation deadline will be in June (please see your Course Diary for specific date). Dissertations must be received by noon of the deadline day. Dissertations submitted after the noon deadline will be penalised by 5 points for the first day, plus 1 point for each day of delay thereafter.
On this page:
Extension to Submission Deadline
Degree Approval and Conferment
Extension to Submission Deadline
No extensions will be given to the deadlines, with exceptions being made only for certified medical emergencies. If you need to apply for an extension, the request will need to come from your College Tutor, with copies of medical evidence (letter from GP, etc) either sent with the request or as soon as possible afterwards.
If you experience personal or other difficulties that interfere with your work, you should contact your College Tutor in good time for advice and assistance. The College Tutor will liaise with the Department.
In extreme cases personal problems may require periods of intermission of studies and again, College Tutors will assist students with this process.
MPhil Viva Voce
Oral exams for MPhil dissertations are required only if a student is in danger of failing; however we also reserve the right to call you for one if we wish to decide about a borderline between a pass and a high pass.
Degree Approval and Conferment
Further information about this process is given on the Student Registry website. Once your marks have been approved by the Archaeology, Anthropology and Sociology Degree Committee, your College will be your primary contact regarding graduation arrangements.
You will be able to view your detailed results via your extended self-service pages shortly after you have received your official approval letter from the Degree Committee.