Recording of lectures
Lectures and presentations are the intellectual property of the presenter, whether a staff member or student, who retains control over their use and dissemination. Recording, photographing or filming of teaching (lectures, seminars) in any form is thus prohibited.
Students who have a documented disability may be granted an exception to record lectures and presentations, but not question sessions, seminar discussions and similar settings. Students must provide support for this request to the Disability Resource Centre, who will make a decision as to the nature of the reasonable adjustments that may be requested of a lecturer. Please see the guidance issued by the Accessibility & Disability Resource Centre for further information. If a student does wish to record a lecture they must obtain the permission of the lecturer concerned before doing so.
Copying out someone else’s work without acknowledgement (i.e. by using quotation marks and footnotes) is plagiarism; so is rewording someone else’s work in order to present it as your own without acknowledging your debt. Plagiarism in work submitted for formal assessment is regarded by the University as the use of “unfair means” and is treated with the greatest seriousness. HSPS have a policy of mandatory screening of all assessed work. Each student needs to have read and understood the Faculty of HSPS Policy on Plagiarism.
If plagiarism is suspected the case may be referred to the Proctors. It may then be brought before the University’s Court of Discipline. The Court of Discipline has the power to deprive culprits of membership of the University and to strip them of any degrees awarded by it. A student may be found guilty of an act of plagiarism irrespective of intent to deceive.
Content produced by AI platforms, such as ChatGPT, does not represent the student’s own original work so would be considered a form of academic misconduct to be dealt with under the University's disciplinary procedures.
Please see the Faculty of HSPS guidance on plagiarism and the University’s Statement on Plagiarism for further information.