Nicholas Thomas first visited the Pacific in 1984 to research his doctoral thesis on culture and change in the Marquesas Islands, which led to work ranging over Indigenous histories, cross-cultural encounters, colonialism and contemporary art. Foundation Director of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the Australian National University (1996-99) and Professor of Anthropology at Goldsmiths College, London (1999-2006), since 2006 he has been Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and a Fellow of Trinity College.
He is author or editor of some fifty books, including Entangled Objects (1991), which influentially contributed to a revival of material culture studies, Possessions: Indigenous Art/Colonial Culture (1999), Discoveries: the voyages of Captain Cook (2003) and Islanders: the Pacific in the age of empire (2012), which was awarded the Wolfson History Prize; and several co-authored with Pacific artists and Indigenous scholars. He co-curated 'Oceania' for the Royal Academy in London and Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac in Paris (2018-19), which attracted over 250,000 visitors and was acclaimed as a landmark exhibition. He writes for The Art Newspaper, Apollo and the Financial Times about restitution, museum issues and contemporary art; his most recent book is Gauguin and Polynesia (2024).
2024 Gauguin and Polynesia. London: Head of Zeus / New York: Bloomsbury
2022 (with Mark Adams) Photo-Museology: the presence of absence and the absence of presence. Pacific Presences VII. Leiden: Sidestone
2022 Possessions: Indigenous art/colonial culture/decolonization, second ed. London: Thames and Hudson
2021 Voyagers: the settlement of the Pacific. London: Head of Zeus / New York: Basic Books
2020 Océaniens: histoire du Pacifique à l'âge des empires, tr. Paulin Dardel, preface by Eric Wittesheim, 510 pp. Paris: Anarchasis
2019 (with Elena Govor) Tiki: Marquesan art and the Krusenstern voyage. Leiden: Sidestone
2019 (with Wayne Modest, Claudia Augustat and Doris Prilić) Matters of belonging: ethnographic museums in a changing Europe. Leiden: Sidestone
2018 Oceanic art, second edition. London: Thames and Hudson (World of Art series)
2018 Discoveries: the voyages of Captain Cook, second edition. London: Penguin
2018 (with Lucie Carreau, Alison Clark, Alana Jelinek and Erna Lilje) Pacific presences: Oceanic art and European museums. Leiden: Sidestone
2018 (with Peter Brunt) Oceania. London: Royal Academy of Arts
2018 ‘The museum as method, revisited’. In Philipp Schorch and Conal McCarthy (eds.) Curatopia: museums and the future of curatorship, 19-28. Manchester: Manchester University Press
2018 ‘Human flow in Melanesia: Taloi Havini’s artefacts and habitats’, Artlink 38 (3): 38-43
2018 'Artist of PNG': Mathias Kauage and Melanesian modernism. In Elizabeth Harney and Ruth Phillips (eds.) Mapping modernisms: art, indigeneity, colonialism, 163-186. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
2018 A case of identity: the artefacts of the 1770 Kamay (Botany Bay) encounter. Australian Historical Studies 49: 4-27
2018 'A great collection of curiosities from the South Sea Islands': William Hunter's ethnography. In Mungo Campbell and Nathan Fils (eds.) William Hunter and the anatomy of the modern museum, 130-145. New Haven: Yale University Press
2018 Culture and imperialism: John Pule's painting, 1990-2010. In Michelle Keown, Andrew Taylor and Mandy Treagus (eds.) Anglo-American Imperialism in the Pacific, 131-145. London: Routledge
2018 'Artist of PNG': Mathias Kauage and Melanesian modernism. In Elizabeth Harney and Ruth Phillips (eds.) Mapping modernisms: art, indigeneity, colonialism, 163-186. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
2018 'Specimens of bark cloth, 1769': the travels of textiles collected on Cook's first voyage. Journal of the History of Collections
2018 A case of identity: the artefacts of the 1770 Kamay (Botany Bay) encounter. Australian Historical Studies 49: 4-27