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Department of Social Anthropology


Who are “we” now?

Book Talk with Dr. Liana Chua & Dr. Nayanika Mathur

Who do “we” anthropologists think “we” are? And how do forms and notions of collective disciplinary identity shape the way we think, write, and do anthropology? In 2018, we co-edited a volume on how the anthropological “we” has been construed, transformed, and deployed across history and the global anthropological landscape. Drawing together both reflections and ethnographic case studies, it interrogated the critical—yet poorly studied—roles played by myriad anthropological “we”s in generating and influencing anthropological theory, method, and analysis. We also asked what new spaces could be opened for reimagining who “we” are – and what “we,” and indeed anthropology, could become. Such concerns have grown ever more prominent and pressing in the past few years. In this session, we’ll revisit some of the themes that we explored in our introduction and volume, and invite participants to collectively contemplate the still-pressing question of who “we” are and could be. 

The introduction can be viewed/downloaded here:


To register:

Monday, 7 March, 2022 - 17:00 to 18:30
Event location: 
Online - please register