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Department of Social Anthropology


Cancer Research UK launched a new MOOC (massive open online course) on 17 January. Different approaches to risk and its communication form the subject of this new, bitesize online course, which is aimed at helping early career researchers to define and communicate the idea of cancer risk across disciplinary boundaries.   The course has been written by Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson, Leverhulme ECR Fellow at the Department, as part of her role as PI on the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED) skills exchange with the University of Manchester.  

Postgraduates, PhD candidates, Early Career Researchers and others interested in Cancer Risk and Early Cancer Research more broadly are encouraged to try out the 45-minute module, Risk: Learning to Share. Please use the following link to take part.   

This topic is the first of three planned courses forming the Shared Risk MOOC series. 

More about Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson 

Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson’s long-term research centres on communication (and its failure) between different audiences – her previous work includes developing videophonic sign language interpretation for the UK National Health Service to enable deaf patients to be able to improve patient interactions with clinicians. This work led to her research on access and inequalities for British Sign Language users.

She first worked with Cancer Research UK alongside colleagues Drs Ignacia Arteaga and Maryon McDonald on a pump priming project, Elusive Risks, which involved learning about risks from less heard from groups, such as rough sleepers, undocumented migrants and Gypsy Roma Travellers. Their individualised and situated understandings of care and risk based on their lived experiences drove Robinson to work with different Early Cancer risk modellers and researchers to investigate definitional disparities across disciplines.