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Department of Social Anthropology



The Anthropology of time, Southeast Asia, power, labor, migration, housing, care, reproductive technologies, haunting, ghosts, possibility 

For my doctoral research I intend to explore how the temporal logics of reproductive policies and strategies in Singapore come to structure women's lives in ways that stabilises, but also exceeds state power. I hope to investigate the forms of temporal labor women perform on behalf of the state and how the extraction of this labor stabilises power. I am interested thus in the choreographic sequences of young women and the complex interdependencies and synchronisation that exist between migrant women and those women who have obtained stable citizenship in Singapore. I am also interested in how excess seeps from these circuits of power and the types of opening this leakage might give way to. 


“Ghost as political possibilities: A review of instantiations of haunting in Southeast Asia”. Southeast Asian Studies. (Forthcoming)

Research Title: Time, power and women’s lives in Singapore
Supervisor: Dr Perveez Mody

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