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Department of Social Anthropology



Prior to beginning the PhD, I completed an MPhil in Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge (2023) with the support of a Trinity College Research Studentship and graduated with a Bachelor of Philosophy in history from the Australian National University (2021). My research focuses on Indigenous Australian colonial-era museum collections in Britain and Europe and explores the histories, cross-cultural relationships, and potential for community reconnections embodied by material culture. My PhD, supported by a Cambridge Australia Fulton Scholarship, investigates the pastoral origins of collections in the UK and aims to build knowledge about Indigenous Australia’s material heritage located overseas. 


Material culture, colonialism, cross-cultural history, historical anthropology, museum anthropology, Indigenous studies

Research title: Re-activating Indigenous Australian Collections from the Pastoral Frontier in UK Museums
Supervisors: Professor Rupert Stasch and Professor Nicholas Thomas
Eleanor Foster


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