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Department of Social Anthropology



I have worked in a variety of roles over the years such as working with polar scientists, helping business students in setting up a non-profit, and supporting biologists in making their research open. I am a qualified teacher and librarian with extensive experience in managing information and library services in ways that mean students, researchers, and staff can do what they need to do as seamlessly as possible. 

I am committed to reducing barriers to accessing information and knowledge through facilitating initiatives such as open access publishing, as well as thinking critically and ethically about how we do research and manage our collections.

I’m always open to collaborating with folks on new projects that help open up our collections and institutions to new and diverse audiences in inclusive and accessible ways.

Teaching and Supervisions


I contribute towards undergraduate and postgraduate skills teaching across much of the teaching carried out within the Department of Social Anthropology, as well as across the wider HSPS Tripos, Archaeology courses, and the broader School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Other Professional Activities

Research Support Lead for Humanities and Social Sciences Libraries

Data Champion for Humanities and Social Sciences

FHEA Assessor for University of Cambridge

Editor of CALC newsletter

Academic Services Librarian Haddon Library

Contact Details

Email address: 
