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Department of Social Anthropology



Rachael Lindsay is an ESRC-funded PhD candidate and a Jo Cox Scholar on Migration at Pembroke College. She holds an MSc. in Modern South Asian Studies from the University of Oxford and an MPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge and is interested in the anthropology of time, social media, affect and South Asian migration.


Migration; border regimes; affect; temporal violence; chronopolitics; anthropology of time; abandonment; ruination; care; kinship.


Lindsay, R. (2024). Curating hope in chronocracy: TikTok creation and the offline lives of young men from Pakistan in Greece. New Media & Society.


Lindsay, R. (2022). Agency in a quake in time: a study of jokes about the future among Pakistani migrant youth. Contemporary South Asia, 30(2), 166–180.

Working Research Title: In Time’s Shadow: Undocumented Lives, Affective Chronopolitics and Care for Kin among Pakistani Young Men in Greece
Supervisor: Professor Yael Navarro

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