Anthropology of Politics, subjectivity, affect and emotions, hope, political violence, memory, survival, migration, space, belonging, gender, minorities, the Kurdish issues, ethnography, Turkey, Greece, the Middle East, the Balkans.
"The Limits of an 'Open Mind:' State Violence, Turkification, and Complicity in the Turkish-Kurdish Conflict," Turkish Studies 19, no. 5 (2018): 671-696.
"Reading and Feeling Gender in Perpetrator Graffiti and Photography in Turkey," Kurdish Studies 6, no. 1 (2018): 59-83.
"»Detomorilci« in druge posasti: Demonizacija sovraznika v nacionalisticnih narativih o tursko-kurdski vojni v Turciji" ["Baby-killers" and Other Monsters: Demonization of the Enemy in the Nationalist Narratives of the Turkish-Kurdish War in Turkey], Glasnik Slovenskega etnoloskega drustva [Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnological Society] 55, no. 1-2 (2015): 9-21.
"Europe's Erased: Rethinking European Migration and Citizenship Policies Based on the Example of the Erased Residents of Slovenia," Student Anthropologist 3, no. 2 (2013): 127-141.
with Blaz Bajic, "» Trenirke« in »oranzne face« - »vidis ga paves«: Diskurz o zunanji podobi cefurja" ["Tracksuits" and "Orange Faces" - "You See Him and You Know:" Discourse about the Appearance of Cefur], Etnolog [Ethnologist] 22, no. 73 (2012): 93-110.
Book Chapters
with Blaz Bajic, '"You see them, surely you recognize them right away!:' Discourse on the Appearance of Cefur," in Horizons of Otherness, ed. Nika Skof (Gornja Radgona: A priori, 2013), 131-146.
with Blaz Bajic and Mladen Gotal, "Turist s sahovnico" [A Tourist with a Chessboard], in Zgodbe izbrisanih prebiva/cev [Stories of the Erased Residents], eds. Ursula Lipovec Cebron and Jelka Zorn (Ljubljana: Sanje), 125-143.