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Department of Social Anthropology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Jenny Tang (2021) Research Title: Contemporaneity across landscapes: Art and development in Mongolia today, Supervisor: Professor Uradyn E Bulag, Faculty Advisor: Professor David Sneath
Dr. Stefan Tarnowski Affiliated Lecturer, Early-Career Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College
Matthias Teeuwen (2022) Title: Intellectual Virtues: navigating academic and confessional demands at a Theology Faculty , Supervisor: Professor Joel Robbins
Gol Tengis (2022) Research Title: A Study of the Inner Mongolian Dance in Socialist China, Principal Supervisor: Professor Uradyn Bulag
Philippe Thalmann (2020) Research TItle: Social changes in Saudi Arabia, Supervisor: Professor James Laidlaw
Professor Nicholas Thomas Director & Curator, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Dr Elizabeth Turk Research Associate, Department of Social Anthropology, Affiliated Lecturer, Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Office hours: appointment by email