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Department of Social Anthropology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Professor Matei Candea Professor of Social Anthropology, Director of Undergraduate Education and Chair, Undergraduate Education Committee, Fellow and Director of Studies, King's College, Office hours: appointment by email
Devi Chakrabarti (2019) Research Title:  The Afterlives of a Disaster: Post-Earthquake Reconstruction and Spiritual Life in Bhaktapur, Nepal, Supervisor: Professor Susan Bayly
Liane Chester Reception and Admin
Dr Liana Chua Tunku Abdul Rahman University Associate Professor in Malay World Studies , Fellow and Director of the Tunku Fund, St Catharine’s College , Tutor, MPhil in Social Anthropological Research , Co-editor Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, Office hours, by appointment
Anna Clayton 01223 7 69335 MIASU Co-Administrator
Dr Timothy P. A. Cooper Leverhulme Trust / Isaac Newton Trust Early Career Fellow, Research Associate, Max Planck - Cambridge Centre for Ethics, Economy and Social Change, College Research Associate, King’s College
Erik Crnkovich (2022) Research Title: What does it mean to be a farmer? Knowledge and ethics on Fife farms, Supervisor: Professor Matei Candea
George Cronin Academic Services Librarian Haddon Library