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Department of Social Anthropology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Sam Farrell (2017) Research Title: Democracy, Morality and Imagination: the Importance of Elections in a Chewa Village in Rural Malawi, Supervisor: Professor Harri Englund
Dr Taras Fedirko
Dr Paola Filippucci Fellow and Senior College Lecturer in Social Anthorpology, Murray Edwards College, Office hours: appointment by email
Veronica Flack Postgraduate Administrator
Eleanor Foster (2023) Research title: Re-activating Indigenous Australian Collections from the Pastoral Frontier in UK Museums, Supervisors: Professor Rupert Stasch and Professor Nicholas Thomas
Dr Elizabeth Fox Research Associate MIASU
Sean French (2020) Research Title: Belonging, Alienation, and the 'Political' in Protestant Marching Bands in Derry, Northern Ireland. , Supervisor: Professor Matei Candea